Monday, December 19, 2011

Russian move from Communism to Talibanism : Attempt to ban BhagwadGita

My posting on yahoo & facebook in response to the courtcase in Russia on Gita

The issue here is not ' ignorance ' by Russians of the text or Indian culture ; it's also nothing to do with ' Communists ' ( they are bot banning ALL religions ) . Let's not also get fooled that it's against a particular text ( Gita ) it seems to be a well planned move against sympathisers of a particular religion ( Hinduism ) , a broad based conspiracy to restrict Hinduism in Russia , possibly prompted by indegeneous religious groups from behind the scene ; just as it was manouvered in the US to drive out Rajnish when he was drawing natives to follow him
This is a question of suppressing religious freedom , moving towards Talabanising of the country .
It's more than certain that Indian Government / politicians , including the Congress Party who poured crores of common man's money in Rajiv days into Sri Lanka to buy political resurrection in TamilNadu , will do nothing in this case -- since it pertains to Hindu rights . Importantly US who does not let go any opportunity to ' uphold ' flag for religious freedom to support ' Missionary work ' in Muslim countries trading it off against the aids to these countries will not be the messiah of Religious freedom in this case .
It's important that we all as Indians , regardless of our cast & religion , need to uphold the cause of true Indian / Hindu values of Secularism which encourages plurality ( Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam ) if we truly believe in non political Secularism .
I support the cause of the Russian Indians on this . How about you ?