Wednesday, October 24, 2012

How Adequate is Adequate

Adequacy / inadequacy are not physical boundaries but , states of mind ; it depends on what you believe . That’s why what is adequate for one may not be so for someone else , similarly what was adequate today , may not be so tomorrow or vice versa
*       What is a good fashion ?… there is no one , all encompassing answer , fitting all . Good fashion for a person is what he / she can carry off comfortably & confidently . That’s why if someone is awkward wearing the most trendiest of clothing , it’s bad fashion for him ; on the other hand if Gandhiji was comfortable moving around in one cloth around his waste , that was most appropriate fashion statement for him .
*       What is good / appropriate donation in quantum or form , for a person ? Here too there is no ‘ one size fitting all ‘ , nor is there any absolute threshold . To me that ( amount of ) donation / charity is your threshold , which after you give away , you should be able to ( mentally ) give up . A good donation for you needs to fulfill following criteria :
§  It should not create a feeling of ‘ loss ‘
§  It should not create a sense of ‘ ownership ‘ … it is that amount which should not make you 'follow through ' to see what use the receiver is putting it to … it no longer belonged to you
§  It should not create a sense of inflated ego of having done a huge favour ( & in turn to expect the receiver to be ‘ indebted ‘ to you )
§  It should not create / retain any ‘ attachment ‘ . Your satisfaction / happiness should come from the fact that you did what you wanted to for a good cause , your attachment ended there …. What the receiver does with it is neither under your control nor should be your concern . You should neither have a judgment on how ‘ appropriately ‘ the receiver is using it nor should it make you unhappy , even if you think he/ she is ‘ misusing ‘ your generosity or even is ‘ disrespecting ‘  your gift .
§  Overall once done , you should be able to forget the details of the ‘ good deed ‘ you did . It should not prompt you to flaunt your  ‘ generosity ‘ at any possible forum / opportunity . You should be able to sleep peacefully without a thought about what is / will happen to the object of ‘ your charity ‘ .
§  For any donation / charity where above criteria are not likely to be fulfilled , you are better off without donating .
*       Similar is the case for investment . Your capacity to invest is not defined by your affordability or the accumulated wealth , but by your ability to ‘ carry off ‘ the investment in amount & form . That amount is appropriate for you , which after investing ( God forbid not , but should it happen ) if you happen to lose , you should have the capacity to gather yourself up & stand on your feet … you should be able to take that knock without collapsing .
*       Finally if you have the nature to help people ( family , friends , colleagues ) by putting in your efforts ; you need to know  , what is your ‘ natural capacity ‘ to help --- to what extent you can go in helping . Here are the criteria :
§  Exert only up to the level you can enjoy doing that work , that it does not become physical or mental burden on you
§  That you can do out of free will & not as a ‘ transaction ‘ or as a ‘ deal ‘ ,not even as an investment … something you’ll not be prompted to measure ROI on
§  That it does not create an expectation of ‘ reciprocity ‘ in your mind ( I did so much for him / her , I should get at least this much back )
§  Your work is an expression of what you desired to do … it’s valuable & fulfillment in itself … not in comparison to someone . The quantum & quality of your work therefore is not influenced by what someone else is doing / not doing in comparison . If / at any point the comparisons are creating discomfort to lose your mental equilibrium , especially creating a feeling of  ‘ unequal ’ work sharing --- at the point work starts becoming a burden instead of joy – you should not extend the help you feel is a load on you .
§  That if that person reciprocates , you feel good for the good nature of that person & not because he / she reciprocated in acknowledgement of your ‘ good work ‘  
§  It should not create / retain any ‘ attachment ‘ . Your satisfaction / happiness should come from the fact that you did what you wanted to for a good cause , your attachment ended there …. How the receiver sees it ,is neither under your control nor should be your concern . You should neither have a judgment on how appropriately the receiver ‘ responded ‘ or whether he / she remembered what you did . In fact , like a good donation , good social work should be invisible . His / her response should not make any difference to your decision to help ,in retrospect.
§  Overall once done , you should be able to forget the details of the ‘ good deed ‘ you did . It should not prompt you to flaunt your  ‘ help ‘ at any possible forum /opportunity . It should not create an overt expectation or a secret yearning for public or private acknowledgment

Sunday, September 23, 2012

OneWorld: Knowledge & Intelligence --What is ' what ' ?

OneWorld: Knowledge & Intelligence --What is ' what ' ?: Knowledge  & Intelligence  Disclaimer : These thoughts are my convictions , my personal possessions -- they are not purported ...

Knowledge & Intelligence --What is ' what ' ?

Knowledge  & Intelligence 

Disclaimer :
These thoughts are my convictions , my personal possessions -- they are not purported to be a well researched intellectual theorising -- they don't need to be or even intended to be . That they appear to come from my experience & inner space ( & therefore ' real ' to me ) & interesting reading is reason enough for me to share with you ALL ! 

  • To me knowledge is at the surface like clothes on body whereas intelligence is more innate / underlining, like constitution ( operative mechanism ) of the body ,
  • Knowledge is like ' material ' can be acquired whereas intelligence is more intrinsic ... it can be enhanced / augmented , yet continues to remain sub-level .... all pervasive yet invisible .
  • Knowledge is like a feed , fodder ... not all of that we like (yet feel necessary to sustain ) not all of that is suitable or applicable to us . The quality of the feed & it's suitability to one's constitution will decide how much ' nourishment '  one would get out of it . Portion of the feed that is not suitable / usable gets ' thrown out ' .... whereas intelligence is my digestive ability
  • Knowledge & Intelligence have a link . Knowledge is " what is " , whereas intelligence is  " ability to know , what to do with what is"  . While acquisition of knowledge does not need intelligence , we need intelligence to know what to do with the acquired ( or thrust ) knowledge .

  • On the other hand application of knowledge also can lead to some learning -- which can feed into our ' body of intelligence ' & enrich it ... just like the enrichment we get from the food we eat . Therefore knowledge ( like an appropriate diet ) can become raw material for intelligence .
  • Finally , Knowledge may Blow , but Intelligence will ( always ) Glow !
  • Intelligence is like gold with it's intrinsic brightness , knowledge is like a glitter which can add value to the material but being on the surface , can ' peel off ' & expose , what is inside

OneWorld: Wisdom is Universal --Convergence of Knowledge

OneWorld: Wisdom is Universal --Convergence of Knowledge:   Wisdom is Universal --Convergence of Knowledge Following are some of ' free flowing thoughts ' .... they are expressions from the ...

Wisdom is Universal --Convergence of Knowledge

 Wisdom is Universal --Convergence of Knowledge

Following are some of ' free flowing thoughts ' .... they are expressions from the fields of my feels & creative imagination . Disclaimer is that this is neither a researched scientific theory nor a validated postulation ... These thoughts may have a potential of being true but we don't know as yet . Currently they are purely ' interesting thoughts ' for reading 

o    Wisdom is one . ‘ Individual wisdom ‘ if any , is a part of one ‘ Universal wisdom ‘
o   Wisdom ( on a particular matter ) expresses itself on different tracks / streams of life like Science , culture , literature , philosophy , religion , common sense …. Whatever path ; it is my conviction & experience that it will ( on that matter ) always & should converge
o    e.g. Einstein's take on : “ Energy is neither created nor destroyed , it merely changes form “  is exactly same as prehistoric understanding in Hindu philosophy on Soul …. Universal Soul is neither created not destroyed , it takes different forms / shapes . One inside each living being is a part of that greater soul which eventually merges when it leaves a body .

 # Wisdom is Universal -- within & around  
o    It’s connecting the ‘ inner space ‘ with the ‘ outer space ‘ for download / update .
o    It’s like internet , ‘ cloud ‘ which is invisible , but everywhere – unlimited in space ; like internet we need to connect / tap into it . Whenever we have been able to ‘ connect ‘ we get downloads – though being able to connect is the challenge . Some can do it some time , some have been able to do it most of the time & some never .
o    It’s this space ( cloud ) where effectively all of us can be connected . This is the ' Common space '  where  phenomenon of ‘ signals ‘ , ‘ messages ‘ ‘ intuition ‘ , ‘ tuning into someone’s wavelength’  may be taking place  . In fact if two minds have ‘ dialed into ‘ this space , there is a possibility of connecting with each other ; or so to say do a ‘ wireless / blue tooth transfer ‘ of thoughts  . It may be that these physical technologies we have ( invented ) have a parallel in these para-human knowledge mechanisms . To stretch this a little further , invention of such technologies may be happening via a wireless transfer from the ‘ cloud of wisdom ‘


Monday, September 3, 2012

OneWorld: Inspiration v/s Perspiration  : Measured in terms ...

OneWorld: Inspiration v/s Perspiration  : Measured in terms ...: Inspiration v/s Perspiration  : Measured in terms of 6 v/s 87 Olympic medals Was it Einstein or Edison ... whoever ( we need to check wi...

Inspiration v/s Perspiration  : Measured in terms of 6 v/s 87 Olympic medals

Was it Einstein or Edison ... whoever ( we need to check with William Shakespeare about this ) said this that Success is about 1 % inspiration & 99 % perspiration . The gap between the respective contribution of these components is very wide ( 1 v/s 99 ) but not sure if ever before it was so vividly illustrated & made measurable in specific terms , as it did at the conclusion of 2012 Olympics games .

Well if you ever wondered about the gross difference in medal tallies ( 6 v/s 87 , respectively ) of two neighbouring countries of comparable population size -- India & China , that's the illustration I'm referring to . Never before the difference between use of inspiration v/s perspiration was so crystal clear .

China , just about more than 3 Olympic seasons was not quite there in the top 5  Olympic medal earners . The traditional giants used to be USA , USSR , Japan , Germany , Korea ..... It's not right there at the top ( number 2 ) with a tally of 87 medals . How could China do it , when an equally ' ambitious ' India with comparable population is nowhere near ... is it a miracle ( just as we in India believe in ) that we can so desperately but eternally hope to happen to us or is there a method which we can learn & follow ?

To me the answer is in which way we look at Edison's success principle . China took it on the face value & worked hard at it ... it included determination , dedication , resources , facilitation & may be even coercion . They seemingly had a goal but also a plan & the will to commit to the path .
India on the other hand turned that principle upside down & with its ( in a self constituted belief  ) ' god gifted intelligence ' believed it was about 99 % inspiration & 1 % perspiration --- Reason why ( not just in the case of Olympics , but in general ) we don't believe in planning , dedication & above all hard work . We , in a self failing prophecy , believe that we are so intelligent that we don't have to work ( hard ) , God who has ' gifted ' us the best of intelligence on the Earth will also look after all our wishes with some miracle . ' Some how it will happen ' has been our generic strategy in most fields . Since the task has been abdicated to the God , we believe we only need to wish but don't either have to plan or to take hard efforts --- working hard is demeaning & insult to our intelligence .
This is the reason why , we were visibly unprepared for hosting commonwealth games till very close of start of the games , even when the work was awarded 4 years back !

To sum up , to me China's 87 medals v/s India's 6 does not come to me as a surprise or as a miracle , it just highlights the philosophies these 2 different nations embody . Ours is a society which does not believe in planning , method & hard work. ... only those of our individuals which defy these fatal ' genetic ' trends rise up to shine with a medal as a bright individual , they stand out as an exception rather than as representative of the Nation's psychographics . And even here , where is the consistency ... where are the Bindras , the Rathors & the likes , who shine as one time stars & then bask in that glory to oblivion ....because even to be consistent needs a plan , a method & determination !

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Values & Beliefs

Values  & Beliefs .... seem very close , but I think distinction exists , however thin  . My understanding is that,  Values are kind of guidelines one has ( a self understood sense of Right , Wrong ) , whereas beliefs are what we believe as true ( valid for us ) like convictions . In a way values also have to be beliefs ( convictions ) though they go beyond being ( mere ) beliefs & actually guide or channel our behaviour -- it's a ' fall back ' mechanism of our conscience .
I tend to use analogies as they help clarity on a point . If I can take analogy here from science ; Values to me are ' Vectors ' ( which have a sense of direction ) & beliefs are like ' Scalers ' ; both may have the same weight ( quantum ) , but  'Values'  in addition have direction .
If we take values as guidelines & not as virtues ( good / bad ) , in that sense , I suppose everyone -- including a criminal or a politician -- has ' Values '